Specializing in steam system optimization to lower energy costs and increase overall reliability
Equipment Sales
Steam is used to provide thermal energy in many industrial, commercial and institutional settings. It
can be a pivotal component in manufacturing, food processing, brewing, cleaning and comfort
heating. Steam heating systems consist of various mechanical components including boilers, feed
tanks and deaerators, ductwork, stacks, pumps, fans and many other auxiliaries
CBW Services has partnered with some of the most highly regarded manufacturers of steam heating
system equipment in the world. By offering these steam system products, along with our own
Cannon Boiler Works products, we can provide our customers with equipment replacement and
upgrades as well as completely new steam system packages.
Field Services
As an ASME Code Certified Contractor, we specialize in all aspects of boiler and pressure vessel
maintenance and repair. Our service department is on call 24 hours a day, every day, and has the full
support of our in-house engineering and manufacturing groups.
Our energy solutions can help identify your fuel to steam plant efficiency, recommend increased
plant efficiency thru various products in which will reduce your operation cost and increase profits.
Certified in OSHA Safety & approved contractor with ISNetworld.
As Cannon Boiler Works, Inc. is considered a leader in the field of boiler heat recovery, we of course
offer our own products to complement our line-up of products available to increase our customer’s
energy efficiency. All of our heat recovery products are custom-designed and optimized to provide
the greatest heat recovery possible based on each site’s actual operating conditions.
Cannon Boiler Works was founded in 1972 as a boiler repair company. Since that time our field services capabilities have evolved into complete steam and process plant services designed to meet your needs. Our service department is on call 24 hours a day, every day, and has the full support of our in-house engineering and manufacturing groups.
Our energy solutions can help identify your fuel to steam plant efficiency and recommend increased plant efficiency through various products in which will reduce your operation cost and increase profits.
We are proudly certified in OSHA Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP). We are an approved contractor with ISNetworld, with our service group receiving mandatory OSHA Ten Hour Safety Course, yearly, monthly & weekly safety training in various job responsibilities.

Steam Accumulator
Custom steam accumulators are designed to reduce severe boiler loading and cycling, when short duration, high flow rate steam is required. Ideal for industrial rubber manufacturing, food processing. sterilization procedures, and more: an accumulator can store high pressure steam until it is needed.

Heat Exchangers
Cannon offers complete heat exchanger service. Whether it is a repair of an existing unit or the complete design and build of a new concept, Cannon can offer a solution.

Boiler Economizer
Cannon manufactures the most innovative, efficient, and service-friendly heat recovery units available. Our units are designed for low gas side pressure drip in order to retain peak boiler performance. Most paybacks on installed systems are less than one year.

Condensing Economizer
All the features of Cannon’s Feedwater Heater with the benefit of additional heat recovery from condensing operation. This unit is designed to flow two water circuits, either related to boiler operation, or continuous use water streams.
Manufacturers We Represent

Cannon Boiler Works, Inc.
510 Constitution Blvd. New Kensington, PA 15068
Phone: 724.335.8541 Fax: 724.335.6511